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It would have been nice if there was visual feedback that a move wasn't allowed (e.g. when a unit is selected, grey out the cursor if a move is too far). Similarly, indicating that a unit can no longer move would be nice. It is only a little bit confusing to have the "unit selected" graphic be blue no matter if it is the red team or blue team. These are minor issues, and there are a few other random things that would have made this a bit more playable, but I fully understand the time constraints on a game of this scale. You should be very proud of what you have achieved, rather than being too concerned with what you didn't get to. I encourage you to continue on with this game in your free time to make it the game you wanted it to be.

I believe I killed all the units on one side, but there was no end game detection there sadly. In any case, progress in the final few weeks has been great, getting unit details, health, and interaction working well done!

(1 edit)

just realised, that the end game only works on one of the sides. it seems that only one of the towers was connected to the tower prefab, so when i updated it didn't get the end game detection code